Self-Love & Empowerment with The Birds Papaya

In today's episode we're talking to Sarah Nicole Landry, aka The Birds Papaya! Sarah Nicole's raw before and after photos take "body positivity" to a whole new level and challenge women everywhere to love themselves right where they are, as they are. Watch our conversation below and scroll down for key takeaways that will change how you see yourself.




  • If you struggle with how you look on the outside, it will affect how you behave toward others. If you don't think you have worth in your body, why would you believe you have worth in your job or relationships?

  • Self-love is not a feeling but an action. For example, putting on makeup every morning, that physical act of touching your face and doing something that makes you happy, is self-love in action.

  • Every day we have two types of thoughts, positive and negative. If we're not careful about what we tell ourselves, those "inner conversations" can become roadblocks that limit intimacy in our relationships and prevent us from experiencing love to its fullest. The good news is, we have the power to change our inner dialogue.

  • Self-awareness is key in changing our thoughts about ourselves. We're good at noticing the highs and lows of life, but not so good at recognizing the things in the middle. It's the every-day stuff of life that either nourishes or depletes us. So pay attention to the ordinary moments and what we tell ourselves in the day-to-day because that creates our bottom line.

  • Becoming more self-aware is about learning to identify what and who we feel good around and to surround ourselves with more of that.

  • Think about the people you love and admire the most and list their top 5 attributes. Did their hair, weight, or size make the list? It's the character traits that endear people to us and more importantly how they make us feel.

  • There's a huge difference between diet culture and weight loss. One is negative and focuses on an ideal we'll never measure up to. It's always striving. The other is about taking care of ourselves and having authority over our own bodies. Diets don't have moral value. Food doesn't have moral value.

  • The human experience is all about growth. All of us are in this school of life, learning, growing, changing. Everyone is in a season of learning and going at a different pace. If you see someone who is struggling, maybe making bad decisions, don't judge or lecture but rather, come alongside them as a friend and give them support in their journey.

  • Failure isn't a four-letter word. We can alkalize the bad stuff and more importantly learn from it. Every failure can teach you something.

  • The best way to be present with your kids is to engage in the life happening right in front of you rather than focus on what's going on inside. So, shut down those negative thoughts and self-doubt and get living.


Sara Nicole Landry is a "badass" mom of three, a Podcast host, and a blogger who shares her inner dialogue to discover the value and real meaning of self-love. By using social media as her journal, she's helping others to see and understand their worth, love their bodies, feel less alone in the world, and be ok with life's little shakeups.

Dive into Sara's blog: The Birds Papaya

Listen to Sara's podcast, The Papaya Podcast: Here or Apple

Get your regular dose of inspiration here: Sara Nicole's Instagram


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