How to Find Happiness with Ed Mylett

We had such an enlightening (and freaking amazing and fun) conversation with entrepreneur, coach and speaker, Ed Mylett. Check out our interview below for tips and advice that you can actually use to step into your fears and uncertainties in order to find your "gift" and get closer to your dreams. Plus, we ask Ed a question he's NEVER been asked before and we teach him a life lesson that literally blows his mind. Listen in to find out! And scroll down for our key takeaways from the convo.




  • We've all heard the mantra, "do the one thing that scares you the most." Ed takes it one step further and promises that on the other side of that fear you'll discover a gift, whether it's a person you wouldn't have met otherwise, an incredible opportunity, or the discovery of a talent you didn't know you had. So while it might seem scary as all get out to take the leap, know that something amazing awaits you on the other side.

  • The happiest people are the ones who live in uncertainty. They don't have life all mapped out. Instead, they go where life takes them, saying yes to opportunities and challenging themselves on the regular. Often as people get older we crave predictability and stability but those very things can make you unhappy! Living too comfortable a life can steal your drive, your creativity and your zest.

  • Moms (and women in general) have a tendency to compare themselves to other moms which leaves them feeling inadequate. Know this: Comparison is the symptom. The root of the issue is self-confidence. In other words, when we compare ourselves to others, we don't like ourselves. So the next time you're tempted to judge whether you're on par with someone else, stop and remind yourself you're beyond compare.

  • Lots of moms dream about starting a business but the biggest roadblock they encounter is their husband's lack of support. Ed believes it's because men are afraid that if their wives become successful, they'll change and then leave them, either figuratively or physically.

  • Ed's biggest regret is not being more present as a dad when his kids were little. His advice to both moms and dads is take the time to engage your kids. And moms, if your husbands are all about their job, get on them to be more present.

  • After interviewing the world's most successful people, Ed found the common link they all shared regardless of their gender, race, background or industry is "a little bit" of depression. That's right! We were shocked too. It's because high achievers see what they could be and they know they're not there. So the vision and the reality never match up.

  • Whatever test you're going through can one day become your testimony. So, keep on it and know it's all part of your story.

  • One of the simple things you can do today to help you grow into the person you want to become is to give yourself space every day to do something that feeds you. It can be ten minutes or an hour but be consistent. Do the thing that brings a smile to your face and nourishes your soul.

  • Remember that no matter what stage of life you're in, it's just a season. So, embrace it because it's fleeting and when it's tough, remind yourself it won't last forever.

  • Your identity shouldn't be tied to what you do (job, vocation, parenting) but rather to who you are (loving, funny, kind, smart).

  • Stop and think of someone who you admire. It can be someone you know personally or not. Now think about that person's traits. When you admire someone it's often because you see gifts in them that you also possess (though you might not be aware you do!) So ponder that for a bit and see what you come up with!


Ed Mylett is one of the top business leaders and peak performance experts in the world today. He's been named one of the Top 50 Wealthiest under 50, and is the youngest person ever to be named to the President's National Leadership Advisory Board. His podcast, The Ed Mylett Show, showcases the greatest peak-performers across all industries who share their journeys, knowledge and thought leadership. Ed's passion is in mentoring and coaching others through thoughtful and practical steps to help them become the best versions of themselves.

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#MOMTRUTHS: The "New Normal"
