Real Talk with Romeo

This week's guest in our Cocktails and Convos Podcast is none other than celebrity entertainer and our good friend Romeo, who many of you already know as a regular on our tour and in our Late Night Live shows. For those of you who don't know him, watch below and read the key takeaways to see why we love Romeo's positive spirit and can-do attitude.



Listen to this episode from #MOMTRUTHS with Cat & Nat on Spotify. This podcast with Romeo (one of our male dancers) might just be our fave interview yet! The conversation is super raw as we dive into details of our friendship, what goes on behind-the-scenes of tour, the stigma around stripping and so much more...


  • There's a stigma around dancing and stripping that Romeo hopes to correct. People often associate strippers with drug and alcohol abuse and womanizing but Romeo says you'd be surprised to learn that many professional dancers are family-oriented and talented, smart people. Appearances can be deceiving, so don't assume you know the story behind the person who takes the stage.

    1. Romeo got into stripping when he was in college to deal with financial hardship. After a friend recommended he try out for the job due to his physique, Romeo went to an audition and was hired on the spot. It would be a while though before he took the stage. Romeo waited tables at the club and learned dance routines.

    2. When Romeo first started he had two left feet. But he was determined to learn and challenged himself with his workouts and dance routines, practicing for hours in front of the mirror. He'd later go on to become lead dancer and manager, proving that when you set your mind to something, there isn't anything you can't go after if you work hard enough.

    3. People might be surprised to learn that most male dancers don't strip fully naked. They'll usually wear a "banana hammock" or get creative with a bandana.

    4. Romeo had a tough childhood with a single mother addicted to drugs. He spent time in foster homes and group homes before living with his aunt and uncle who became his parent figures. Growing up, Romeo realized he had one of three choices, drugs, prison, or death. With several family members serving time, he knew he didn't want to go down that same path and decided early on that he'd do whatever it took to stay out of prison.

    5. As a child, Romeo was overweight. But playing sports and working out kept him out of trouble and taught him life lessons he's since applied to his career. That love of fitness led him to earn a Bachelor's degree in exercise science.

    6. Romeo attributes his success in large part to his positive attitude. He may not be the biggest or the best but his positive spirit draws opportunities to him. People want to work with you if you've got a strong work ethic and a great attitude.

    7. Everyone deserves respect, regardless of their profession or their economic status. Romeo's been judged for stripping and strives to show people that there's more behind the person if you'll only take the time.

    8. No matter what your career, it's important to maintain professionalism. That goes for dancing, too. He's been propositioned and worse but out of respect for himself and his clients doesn't cross the line.

    9. Growing up, Romeo didn't have an opportunity to travel, but dancing provided a chance to see different places he wouldn't have otherwise. To that end, Romeo says there's nothing like driving which allows you to see the country in a unique way. Plus, being on the road together helps you to bond with your friends and family.

    10. With COVID, Romeo hasn't been able to take the stage like he did before which he misses. But in life, you have to learn to pivot and that's what Romeo has done by expanding his brand and focusing on fitness training and consulting.

    11. For moms out there watching, you don't need free weights or fancy equipment to get in shape. Use your own body weight as leverage to tone and firm up. Romeo's worked with moms who used bags of rice and it does the job just fine.

    12. Two traits that Romeo believes are underrated are loyalty and kindness. He says it's rare for people to be mad at him because he wants to be happy and maintain positive relationships wherever he goes.


  • Anthony "Romeo" Rodriguez is a celebrity entertainer and fitness trainer who holds a Bachelor's Degree in exercise science. Romeo lives in New York and travels exclusively with Cat & Nat on tour.

    Follow Romeo on Instagram. You can thank us later!


#MOMTRUTHS: Why Moms Yell


PODCAST: There's Nowhere To Go