Dating, Relationships & Matchmaking with The Love Listeners

We're always fantasizing about dating and relationships so we were excited to sit down with Nic & Tash, aka The Love Listeners who've been relationship experts and matchmakers for over twenty years. Listen below to find out how the matchmaking process works and why you need to know who you are and what you want in order to find love. Then scroll down for highlights from our conversation.




  • People talk a lot of expectations and they're often seen as negatives. You don't need to lower your expectations, you need to manage them. Often people's expectations are out of sync with who they actually are. (Most people think they're pretty awesome, or perfect and that can't all be true!)

  • Most people who seek matchmaking come in pain. They've been heart-broken, they're lonely, sad, and searching for love. They've tried everything else and are ready to give it their last big shot, believing matchmaking can be the answer they're looking for.

  • When people begin the matchmaking process, they must go through coaching. First, to make sure they're serious about finding true love and second to make sure they know what their pain points are, what their strengths are, and what it is they're truly searching for.

  • People often focus on statistics, like height, body weight and build, career, salary, education, etc. But people don't fall in love with stats. They fall in love with what's on the inside.

  • You don't know who you're going to fall in love with until you do.

  • Love at first sight does happen. The Love Listeners have seen it occur and they both experienced it themselves! Sometimes, matches know after one date that they've been well-matched and decide to be exclusive.

  • It's possible to have deeply satisfying, happy and passionate romantic love 30, 40, 50 years into a relationship. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

  • Don't talk about your baggage. Don't even look at it as "everyone has baggage." Life experience is just that, those moments that made you who you are and brought you to where you are now. For single parents, especially, don't talk about your children as "baggage." Kids are blessings and not at all something that needs to be seen as something extra. So rather than see it as a negative that can hinder a romantic relationship, see it as an important part of who you are. Own it and be proud.

  • Both Nic & Tash are divorced. While they built up their careers and focused on other peoples' relationships, they didn't focus on their own. When they turned inward and took a hard look at their own relationships, they saw the flaws and realized it was time to apply the same rules to their own marriages as they'd been advocating for everyone else.

  • People will treat you how you allow them to treat you. You give permission. You set the boundaries.

  • True love is real and it does exist. That said, there isn't necessarily only ONE true love (thought that may be the case for many.) It's possible to find true love several times.

  • Everyone's definition of true love varies. You have to know what true love looks like to you and what it is you desire out of a romantic relationship.

  • You have to be happy and content with yourself before you look for love. That person you find will enhance your happiness, not create it. Be your first true love. Create your own happiness.

  • Finding yourself and discovering happiness within yourself is a process, usually long and sometimes painful. But it's necessary to know who you are and what makes you tick. You have to know yourself really well before you fall in love.


Nicole and Natasha are Professional Matchmakers and Relationship Experts. They began their careers in 1999 working for one of the largest leading relationship companies in North America. It is there they honed the art of matchmaking. Their specialty is helping people find love through relationship building with their clients pre, during, and post to provide a tailored and customizable footprint to long-term relationship success based on each client's unique needs. Their lives are beautifully full as they live out their dreams helping people find love.

Follow Nic & Tash on Instagram for a glimpse behind the scenes of matchmaking.

Visit their website for more information.


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