PODCAST: Commit To Yourself

In this week's episode, we're chatting about what the New Year has in store for us (hint: pitching a network for our show), the evolution and redundancy of social media, the pros and cons of certain platforms, and how a Vegas strip show unleashed something in us. We share advice for mamas and business owners about bucking the system of "normal" and committing to who you really are rather than trying to conform to something you're not, BUT we also drop a few more f-bombs than usual so maybe wear headphones?? 😜



  • Instagram is getting redundant - it's been around for a long time and it hasn't really changed. People have become authorities because they have a large number of followers, and it feels like we are losing our own independence to think because we're constantly consuming so much content and being influenced by people with a high following. We're not stopping to think about what's good for us and what we like and want because there is so much mindless scrolling. It's so easy to become the people you're following because they're in your feed and in your face 24/7. You become who you consume, but we should all strive to be our individual selves especially if we want to lead our children. The curation of Instagram drives us crazy and we're trying to figure out how we can change it so it's not predictable.

  • Our tween & teen community is something we enjoy doing because we're able to help people and communicate with them and it's real. We came up with the idea for it on this podcast, we implemented it, we executed it, we didn't overthink it, we launched it and worked out the kinks as we went - we didn't wait for it to be perfect.

  • The strip shows we went to in Vegas really changed the game for us - they crossed so many lines and broke so many barriers, and we were blown away at how the women in the audience were liberated by this inappropriateness. It unleashed something in us that encouraged us to be ourselves even more than we were before. We realized we can go where we want to go and people will like it and people will hate it, but the people who like it will love it. Being safe is nothing - it's predictable. Being who you are to the hundredth degree is what people want to see and invest in. And we’re not saying that you have the right to be rude, derogatory, racist, etc., you still have to be respectful. It's just about being who you are at the core and letting go of the pre-conceived notions of everyone around you. When you throw yourself into something and you let go of all the shoulds and you just do, it changes the game.

  • If you're a business owner, you have to commit to yourself and what you're doing in order for others to buy in. If you're not committed and don't believe in what you have, what you do or what you sell, people will sense that. You have to be present in the moment, stop second-guessing yourself, and believe that what you're doing and offering is worth it. Don't question whether or not people are going to like it. If you like it, DO IT, and believe in it ten times more than your biggest doubter. You have to put your heart into it, but if you don't want to do that, then you have to ditch it. If you're going to put any money and time into it, don't have an ounce of doubt. It's your life - don't f*ck with it, take it seriously.


  • If you're a mom, don't be afraid of social media. You have to involve yourself in it and familiarize yourself with what your kids are doing on it so that you can monitor their usage. If you don't have time to invest in it, then we wouldn't recommend it. But rather than avoid it, understand that it's part of our world. What we like about the TikTok platform in particular is that it represents everyone of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, etc., it involves family and teaches people to connect through having fun together.

  • If you can teach your kids one thing, try to buck the system of "normal" and let them be them. The only way they're going to learn how to stand on their own two feet and get to really know who they are is if we stop molding them into something that they should be. Don't make them be something they're not in order to conform to something they should be.


  • We have a love of life and we're able to see the positive in the world. We are so lucky that we can see happiness, and we realize that the reason for this is because we're privileged. We appreciate that we're in a position where we can have this much fun, but we also believe that when you let go of what you should do, your natural happiness and joy is felt and received more easily without a filter.

  • The world operates on pre-conceived notions of what and who you're supposed to be. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world where we have to present ourselves a certain way rather than showing up as who we actually are. But the thing is, people will always see who you really are, so why waste everyone's time pretending to be something you’re not.


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