PODCAST: Nothing We Do Is Traditional

This week's episode is kinda all over the place. We put a lot of focus on parenting - the challenges, the guilt, and the magnitude of being a mom. We also share our thoughts on bending (or breaking...) the rules, letting go of big expectations and the changes we're making in life and in business. Listen to the end, ladies! We go off the rails and explain how we took a major turn from both being a "Claire" to transforming into Bad Cat & Naughty Nat.



  • If you want to get to a place where you're doing what you love, you can never give up on your dream but you have to work your way there. Grind until you get to where you want to be.

  • There are two mentalities that have made us successful in business. 1) If we're having fun, other people are going to have fun with us. 2) If we need it, we’ll create it because other people need it too. That's our secret sauce but it's also the basis for every company, business and product that's created. Like what you're doing and need what you've created.

  • We’re making changes in our business and some people would see it as a step down, but we see it as a step sideways because we want to get back to the roots of what we love to do.

  • It's a talent to be able to know which rules in society you can push and which rules you should follow. You don't want to be disrespectful but you want to buck the system. If you can challenge yourself on rules and why they're in place and also get your kids to challenge them, do it. We want our kids to question the rules because sometimes you question a rule and you come to the conclusion that it's in place for a great reason, so those ones you adhere to. But if it's a rule that has been followed for the past 40 years because no one wants to change it, well that can be very stupid because the world has changed since then.

  • When it comes to social media, there are no rules and that's why we like it. We can do whatever the f*ck we want. We're running a business without anyone telling us what we can or cannot do.


  • I do believe in creating boundaries and rules in the house and in having a voice as the parent. We're a lot older than our kids and we have a lot more life experience than them, so we do know better than them and they need to understand that.

  • Our disagreements with our husbands often stem from their lack of understanding and respect for what we do, but this argument about working and parenting is one that we may never agree on. If only men could just stop and take a step back and look at what we as women and moms do every single day, while also trying to accomplish something for ourselves and bring in an income for our family. Every moment, every memory, everything that is executed is orchestrated by moms. We're not trying to be a martyr or play victim, we love doing what we do, but what would happen if moms were taken out of the picture? What would that look like?

  • We’re trying to flip the script in the conversation and empower our kids to do things on their own. It's not about what we as moms "can't do," it's about teaching our kids what they're capable of.


  • We feel as though we’ve been in transition for a very long time, but as an entrepreneur and as a mom, you're always in transition. And that is a scary feeling because you never know what's going to happen. There is no manual on what to do. If you're sitting there struggling and feeling out of control in business and in parenting, you have to understand that everyone is out of control. Take a deep breath and try to find one little piece of happiness in each day. Let go of huge expectations and bare down. It's important to manage expectations because the kids will feel it too.


If you have tweens/teens (or you want to prepare yourself for what's to come), sign up for our support group: bit.ly/tweensandteens.

And if you live across the pond, join us for our shows in the UK!! Tickets are available at catandnat.ca/tour.


#MOMTRUTHS: Surviving The Holidays


#MOMTRUTHS: The Problem With Elf on the Shelf