PODCAST: Our Definition of "Killing It"

Well for the first time...maybe ever...we didn't go off the rails this episode. We talk lots about our business and social interactions on our platforms. Social media is like a mutual relationship. We are here for you, and you are here for us. But what exactly are we here for? What is our mission? We break it all down in this podcast.



  • We did so many things for so long that were "schlepy" but we just said yes and we showed up. But those were the baby steps we needed to take in order to get to where we are today.

  • When someone refers to anything you do as "little" - they can go f*ck themselves! You don't say "How's your little job going?" or "How's that little thing you do?" That is so condescending. Don't put the word "little" in it.

  • A lot of people have DMed us recently and said that we're killing it, but to us "killing it" would mean something larger. We don't think we'll ever feel like we're killing it.

  • If you are in this industry, and you are chasing something, it is a cycle that will never end because someone will always be bigger than you. So before you go and try to chase a number, think about what you're doing with your number, and remember that those numbers are actually people.

  • We're not trying to please the people who we don't have, we're trying to talk to the people who are with us right now. We're talking to YOU, always to you. Of course we need to keep growing so we can keep sharing our message, that's what we need to do, but it's not our sole mission to find other people.

  • Everyone is chasing this number that doesn't exist. You could have 3 million followers, but they might just be following you because you wear cute pants. They aren't actually your people. Your people are the ones you need to be taking care of - they are your relationship.

  • A lot of these girls have been with us since the beginning, and we have gone through this journey together. We've been there for them consistently, and they can always count on us to be there for them and talk to them, and that's why the relationship is so strong. And that's why they show up for us, because we've been a part of their lives.

  • People are chasing a trend. If something is getting a lot of "likes" on social media, people decide they want to do the same. But you need to stop and focus on what YOU are, not what everyone else likes.

  • As we grow and evolve, our mission is always the same but our content is changing, and that's a good thing.


  • How we do it is very different than most people do it, and our life right now is so ass-backwards but so are we. But rather than apologizing and being "bad moms" for it, we're owning it and being okay with the moms we are. And it all might change next year, but right now, this is who we are.

  • Just because I'm away, I love my kids the same as a mom who's with her kids day in and day out. Just because I go to work every day, I love my kids the same. Just because I don't cook for them every meal, I love my kids the same. We all love our kids the same.

  • I'm not going to apologize for who I am. I'm a good mom. Do I make mistakes? F*ck yes. Am I perfect? F*ck no. But overall, am I doing a good job? YES!


  • The only way that you're going to stand out, the only way you're going to survive, is to be yourself. Because nobody in the whole world is exactly like you.

  • We're in transition right now, and we often don't know it until we're through it, but I can feel it. Because abnormal situations now feel normal, and that's not normal.

  • The reason we keep going and we keep growing is because we follow the way that we feel, which leads us to do things that are exciting and fun and brand new.

  • It is so hard to be confident in yourself because the world gives you mixed messages all the time. So to be fully confident in yourself, confident in your voice and in you as a person, that is really rare.

  • If you struggle with not knowing what you you want and not knowing who you are, continue on the journey to find out. Because even if you chip at it a little bit every year, you'll get closer.

  • If you always step right, step left once in a while. Just jump! What's going to happen?


Modern Motherhood Event in NYC: https://www.facebook.com/catandnat/posts/2322975497818612

#AskGaryVee: https://www.facebook.com/catandnat/posts/2326527824130046

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RECIPE: Cat's Kid-Approved Smoothie