Let's Help #ClearTheLists


We’re all about the #ClearTheLists movement and we would love your help spreading kindness and generosity in the world!

Teachers spend so much of their own money (an average of $479!) on their classroom each year, and we want to help them out. So we’ve decided to clear out the carts in North America, gifting teachers the school supplies they’ve added to their Amazon wish lists for their students.

We asked y’all to send in your info and links to your lists so that we can continue promoting this amazing campaign and help the deserving teachers in our community. Teachers are literally everything. Please join us in giving back to those who give so much to our children every single day.

Check out the lists here and give what you can! Even a little is a lot 💗

Ps. Our list is on-going and names will continue to be added!

xx Cat & Nat


RECIPE: Delish Fried Rice (courtesy of Nat’s daughter, Taylor)


#MOMTRUTHS: Things Moms Think About