RECIPE: Delish Fried Rice (courtesy of Nat’s daughter, Taylor)


This fried rice dish is so simple to make that even a ten-year-old can nail it like a seasoned chef. If you watched our Insta stories you know that Nat’s daughter, Taylor, whipped this up for dinner the other night and it was the perfect addition to our meal. If we can get the kids helping out in the kitchen at an early age, we must be doing something right 🙌🏼


  • Jasmine or Basmati rice (we use 2-minute rice bags)

  • 2 eggs

  • Red + green peppers (diced)

  • Onion (diced)

  • Carrots (diced)

  • Celery (diced)

  • Olive oil

  • Soy sauce

  • Salt + pepper 


1. Heat olive oil in hot pan

2. Add diced onions and sauté

3. Add the rest of the vegetables to pan and cook until vegetables are tender

4. Put the 2-minute rice in the microwave

5. Add rice to your vegetables and mix it up 

6. Make a circle in pan and add the eggs in the middle, wait until they are cooked 

7. Mix eggs in with the rice and vegetables

8. Add soy sauce and stir together (and add hot sauce if you are spicy like that 🌶💃🏼)

9. Serve and enjoy!!


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