PODCAST: We're Going to Get Through This

This episode was one for the books which is why we're throwing back to it so that we can bring you a little slice of entertainment mixed with the most insightful sh*t we've ever heard... We recorded this one three days into lockdown when we and were full of optimism and completely clueless that this pandemic would last 9 months. But our mission to spread positivity has remained the same throughout 2020 and we've somehow managed to get through this together with a little laughter (and inappropriate conversations of course). FYI - this one is not safe for kids!

This episode was one for the books which is why we're throwing back to it so that we can bring you a little slice of entertainment mixed with the most insightful sh*t we've ever heard... We recorded this one three days into lockdown when we and were full of optimism and completely clueless that this pandemic would last 9 months.

Tune in Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays for a new #MOMTRUTHS podcast!

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PODCAST: If We HAD to Find a Positive from 2020...


PODCAST: Bending the Rules with Bad Cat & Naughty Nat