PODCAST: Self-Care & Etc.

WOW - WHAT AN EPISODE  đź¤Ş  We started things off with a bang (aka typical Cat & Nat “off the rails” nonsense) and continued bantering about basically anything and everything (Gianni, salami, etc.). Although this poddy was kind of a gong show, we managed to leave you with five important takeaways from most motivational talks, which we sum up in just under a minute.


  • Overthinking and being self-reflective is quite privileged. Most people don't have the option to self-reflect and self-actualize because they are too busy busting a** every day to make ends meet.

  • If you're sitting there over-thinking yourself, and the narrative in your head is that you're not enough or you need to do more, maybe that is taking up so much space in your brain that you can't even make space for being something different because you are so worried about what you're not being and what you're not doing. Try to stop that narrative and focus on one positive thing that you actually feel happy about. Focus on what you do or what you’ve done rather than on what you don’t do or haven’t done.

  • The only thing you need in life is a positive self-esteem. And the only way you can become self-confident is if you stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and you start worrying about what you’re doing (but don’t worry too much).

  • 5 key takeaways from motivational talks:

    1. Listen to yourself. Stop listening to everybody else.

    2. Change the narrative in your head and know that you’re good enough.

    3. Be grateful because it will shift the way you feel.

    4. Celebrate other people because it will help you celebrate yourself.

    5. Love yourself and dance a little.

    No one can tell you you’re good enough but you, so stop paying money for motivational speakers to tell you this. Wake up every morning and say “I LOVE ME!” Be thankful that you’re alive. And if you want something, go get it.


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#MOMTRUTHS: Ungrateful Kids


RECIPE: Mini Turkey Meatloaves