PODCAST: From COVID to Climax

In this week’s episode, we started things off on a more serious note - addressing the Coronavirus and how it’s drastically changing everyone’s lives. But in true Cat & Nat fashion, we want to bring a lightness to the situation because we have seven kids looking at us every single day and a whole community surrounding us.

So, we’re staying positive through this self-isolation and trying to find ways to continue running our business while giving everyone added value and a much-needed dose of happiness in a really difficult time. We’re no experts in dealing with a pandemic, but we offer some suggestions for entrepreneurs and business owners and give advice to people who are struggling. Aaaand then we go off on a tangent about dildos, climaxing, masturbation and crotch rockets to really lift the mood 😜


  • In this time, if you can’t smile at something, then it’s doomsday. And we will never let it be doomsday over here.

  • We are optimistic. This is not going to go on forever. It’s not good right now and we’re not going to pretend that it is, but we just have to sit down for a minute so that everyone can get through this.

  • If there was a piece of advice for moms, try your best to set aside the world’s worries and focus on your family rather than on what is happening globally. There is one thing we can do as moms which is be in the moment - in the house - and choose to be something for them because they have no one else to look to but us. The news is terrible and it’s a very tumultuous time. If your kids are annoyed by the situation, just know that their brains cannot comprehend the reality of what’s happening and their behaviour is totally normal. Try to break out of all the moments that are consumed by corona talk and spend time creating new experiences with your kids instead. Turn off the TV, turn off your phone, go for walks, get outside, play upbeat music that can turn your mood around. Let’s go back to simplicity. No one knows what tomorrow’s going to bring.

  • If you're an entrepreneur and you're really struggling, take a beat, take a minute, take a deep breath. Don't do anything rash. If you're struggling with your employees, just tell them we're in a really trying time right now and you don't know the future. Let them know that you don’t want to make the hard decisions but you need a minute to breath. And then do what you gotta do.

  • Because you're isolated, make the extra effort to go a little bit further for yourself and for others. Check in on your friends (not physically, but call them) and show a bit of kindness and gratitude towards other people.

  • If you are feeling anxious, it is proven that grounding yourself in gratitude changes your perspective, because you stop thinking about you and start thinking about other venues of appreciation. Start saying things like “I'm grateful for...” and “I appreciate...” !!

  • If your kids go through an anxious period in life, it’s totally normal. They’re not anxiety ridden children, they just sometimes open their eyes to a world they’re unsure of (the same way we can feel) but they don’t have the coping skills or the life view to understand it. Don’t over-analyze it or stress, just flip the switch and ask them what they’re grateful for in this moment and it will help take their mind off of the anxieties and remind them about what they’re thankful for. It will change their mindset even if it’s something small. We are all in control of our own thoughts and our mind.

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Check out our Spotify playlist for upbeat music: bit.ly/catnatplaylist


How to Get Un-Stuck In Life with Mel Robbins


RECIPE: Beef and Bean Chili