PODCAST: It's Like A Rollercoaster

Life's like a rollercoaster right now with all the highs and lows. As working moms trying to juggle it all, we're chatting about the money lost in 2020 and how we're hopefully going to make up for it with our plans for tour in late 2020/2021. We share a little more about our new business mastermind series that we launched to help others start and grow their business during this time. And we're offering our biggest piece of advice for businesses, brands and employees, as well as a helpful tip for moms at home (turning self-isolation into a positive).


  • There are so many different things that could describe why we’ve been successful and why we haven't died out and why we continue to grow, but there is one key factor and it’s that we’ve always been completely reliable. It’s a small word but it has big meaning. Being reliable is underestimated as a quality that you need to be good at. When someone is unreliable, the trust goes away and that translates to everything in life and in business.

  • A tip for moms who are at home right now - step away and let your kids help around the house and they will get better and better. We typically don’t have time to let them try and do it wrong, but during this time there is no rush, so they can learn these life skills on their own time and at their own pace. It’s a really huge positive for moms - the cooking, the baking, the cleaning. We’re not sure what our kids would be if we didn’t have this time with them to teach them these skills. And the fact that they’re now having to learn virtually is teaching them more about technology and digital communication which is something they’re going to need. If we’re going to look at some positives here, this is the kick in the ass a lot of kids needed. Do less and get them to do more.

  • If you have a business but you’re not creating or thinking about it at this time, you’re doing the best you can. You don’t HAVE to be doing anything right now. But if you’re sitting there wishing you could do something, then you should do something. But if you’re maxed out and capped out, that’s okay.


Tune in Tuesdays & Fridays for a new #MOMTRUTHS podcast and every Thursday for a new Cocktails & Convos interview!

Apply for our May Mastermind Series: https://bit.ly/catnatmastermind

Join us for our virtual Late Night Live events! Sign up over at https://bitly.com/maylatenightlive.

And if you want to join our 6-to-TEEN parenting community, go to https://bitly.com/6-to-teen-parenting-group.

Check out our Spotify playlist for upbeat music: https://bit.ly/catnatplaylist


RECIPE: Creamy Roasted Spinach, Carrot & Zucchini Soup


#MOMTRUTHS: It Doesn't Mean I Want Sex