PODCAST: The "New Normal" Is A Reality

Y'all better wear headphones for this one!! We get pretty inappropriate, but that's just what happens when we record while pre-drinking for Late Night Live. In addition to an off the rails topic of discussion, we also chat about the reality of the new normal and the fact that we're so excited for what's to come. We also dive into a convo about stress management and why bribery is a normal part of life.

Y'all better wear headphones for this one!! We get pretty inappropriate, but that's just what happens when we record while pre-drinking for Late Night Live. In addition to an off the rails topic of discussion, we also chat about the reality of the new normal and the fact that we're so excited for what's to come.

Tune in Tuesdays & Fridays for a new #MOMTRUTHS podcast and every Thursday for a new Cocktails & Convos interview!

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Don't Stop The Conversation About Race with Melissa DePino and Michelle Saahene | Cocktails & Convos


PODCAST: We Definitely DO NOT Live A Passive Life...