PODCAST: Dear White Woman with Asha Frost

We were so excited to welcome Asha Frost, an Indigenous Medicine Woman and a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation onto our podcast. She started the interview by reading her very powerful letter Dear White Woman. Stop what you are doing right now and go and read it. Literally chills. Asha is also the best selling author of You Are The Medicine, and has guided thousands of people through profound and lasting transformation. She is from the Crane Clan, the totem of leadership, and believes in holding space from vision and heart. As an energy healer, homeopath, and mentor, Asha has blended her life experience with her innate gifts and the wisdom of her Ancestors.  She loves sharing her Medicine in powerful ways through Ceremonies, teachings, and speaking events. Through this work, she loves seeing people reclaim their roots, find their healing wisdom, and rise into their power. Find her book and Dear White Woman at https://ashafrost.com/dearwhitewoman/ and follow @asha.frost.

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