Podcast Cat & Nat Podcast Cat & Nat

PODCAST: When Does Your Child’s Cell Phone Become a Problem?

Every day, we’re hit with headlines about kids and their cell phone use—how it’s damaging their mental health, wrecking attention spans, and fueling a whole new wave of parenting panic. We can all agree there’s a problem. But as parents, we’re on our phones too. And if we’re being honest, handing them a screen is easy. It’s quiet. It’s a break. Now, we’re stuck in the middle, navigating the fallout with no rulebook. Will the next generation of parents—armed with the knowledge we didn’t have—hesitate to give their kids phones?

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Podcast Cat & Nat Podcast Cat & Nat

PODCAST: Social Media’s Impact on Teens' Body Image with Samantha DeCaro

A new generation of parents is seeing the damage social media can cause to their teen’s body image. However, when navigated the right way, it can also be a source of body empowerment. Samantha DeCaro, PsyD, Director of Clinical Outreach and Education at The Renfrew Center, joined us to discuss how social media impacts teens’ body image. She shares insights on spotting red flags for disordered eating, encouraging body confidence, and creating a more balanced digital environment at home. As Renfrew’s national spokesperson, Dr. DeCaro has been featured as an eating disorder expert on television, radio, podcasts, and in magazines. She is a frequent lecturer, serves as the Alumni Representative for The Renfrew Center of Philadelphia, and co-hosts the podcast All Bodies. All Foods.For more on the Renfrew Center, check out @renfrewcenter.

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Podcast Cat & Nat Podcast Cat & Nat

PODCAST: Parenting Teens: The Balancing Act of Screen Time

We constantly hear about the struggle with kids and screen time—but no one’s talking about actual solutions. So, we created one. A step-by-stepworkshop to help protect your child online with essential phone and social media safety tools. This is your must-have guide for parenting in today’s digital age. To keep your kids safe and balanced online, you need more than just an understanding of the technology - you need to know how to navigate it. It’s the answer you’ve been looking for—a course, a journal, and a plan to help you set boundaries without constant battles. Everything you need (and more) to finally feel in control. For more info check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L7YEv0pE8g or head to https://thecommonparent.circle.so/checkout/screen-sense-guide-us

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Podcast Cat & Nat Podcast Cat & Nat

PODCAST: Parenting Unfiltered: Balancing Hopes and Dreams

There will be moments when your child shares a huge dream—like going to the NHL or attending university in a different country—and you’ll have to find the balance between validating their dream and not crushing their spirit. As moms, we want to support their hopes, but we also know that life has a way of teaching the tough realities. So how do you encourage their big ideas without shattering their confidence—especially when one of those dreams involves a major financial commitment? What’s the right balance between “you can do anything!” and “maybe consider a backup plan”?

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Podcast Cat & Nat Podcast Cat & Nat

PODCAST: Parenting Unfiltered: Raising Boys

Raising boys and girls is like raising two completely different species. They’re different to parent, different to be around, yet equally fascinating. In this episode, we explore the stereotypes and doomsday narratives surrounding raising boys—and why they don’t tell the full story. Boys today are often more advanced than we give them credit for, and sometimes even more emotionally in tune than their dads. As moms, one of our biggest jobs is decoding their needs and diving a little deeper into their world.

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