PODCAST: You're In Control of Your Own Happiness

This week we're throwing it back to some of our most popular episodes! The one y'all listened to most aired back in November and it's actually one of our faves too because it's just an honest conversation about where we were at in business, motherhood and life. We kind of messed up the recording and it's a bit of a hodgepodge but we're all about sharing the perfectly imperfect with you and apparently you guys like it too 😜 Listen in as we talk about feedback versus criticism and the difference between problem finders and problem solvers. And then we get into what kind of traits we want our kids to have and we offer some life advice about being in control of your own happiness. And keep scrolling for our top quotes from this episode!



  • If you ever want to give feedback to someone about how you feel, you should also be able to take feedback. We recently received emails with complaints about our show, but none of them were constructive. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and feelings, but instead of complaining, we would much rather you give us feedback that we can actually work with and apply to future shows. After one of our very first shows, we got really constructive feedback and we changed the whole show because of it.

  • We're ready for a change and when we're excited about something new, you get excited too. We’ve grown this business based on following our instincts. When we feel that we want something new and we're ready to change the path, we do it and it's so fun! Change is a good thing.

  • If you're a blogger, Instagrammer or brand and you lose sight of your message, you're f*cked because people can see through that. If you start doing things for other people, you will lose your entire core audience.


  • Raise kids who are problem solvers rather than problem finders. If you don’t encourage them to solve their own problems, they're going to grow up to become adult babies who throw temper tantrums because they can't figure their sh*t out, and they're going to be so egocentric because they're going to think the world revolves around them and that no one else has it worse than them.

  • In addition to being good, kind, and respectful people, we want our kids to be resilient, we want them to think outside the box and figure sh*t out, and we want them to see the world through a positive lens.


  • You can't please everybody. You just have to do the best that you can, and you have to be okay with the fact that not everyone is going to be happy with that. If you're doing your best, it's all you can do.

  • If you have a negative dialogue, negative things will come your way. If you say positive things, positive things will come your way. Positive people know how to turn things around which leads to good things happening to them over and over and over again. And when the bad things do happen, they don't dwell on it, instead they move on and expect the next good thing to happen.

  • If you're someone who is "lucky," you're actually the reason why you're lucky. Good things don’t just happen to people. People make good things happen for themselves.

  • Someone always has it worse than you. It doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid, and it doesn't mean you can't have feelings, but always remember that someone has it worse than you.

  • You don't want people to do things for you because they feel bad for you. You want people to do things for you and with you because they love being around you.

  • When you have a positive attitude, the world can work for you and with you instead of against you. For some people, being happy is a job in itself. You can't expect other people to make you happy. You are in charge of your own happiness, so when you start talking positively and thinking positively, then you can create your own happiness.

  • We are so much more than our bodies and we are so much more than the way we look. We need to stop focusing on that conversation and instead we need to get our sh*t together and start having more fun. We're on the journey to find the fun in life, and a lot of people say that we're their escape when they're feeling low or when they're having a hard time. Now is the time to be thankful for where you're at, because when you’re grateful for what you have, you’ll be happier and you’ll have more fun. You are never too old to have fun!

  • Your happiness is in your control and if you can't figure that shit out, it's never going to happen. What you want is inside of you and you have to figure it out and make it happen.

  • If you're feeling sad, just smile - it releases something inside that makes you feel a little happier. Try it.


Tune in Tuesdays & Fridays for a new #MOMTRUTHS podcast and every Thursday for a new Cocktails & Convos interview!

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THROWBACK: How to Get Un-Stuck In Life with Mel Robbins


RECIPE: Chicken & Cheese Quesadillas