PODCAST: The 7-Minute Rule

This week's podcast was a funny one...lots of hidden gems in here. We let you in on how we've been feeling lately about our business and how it took a company crisis to overcome conflict and find clarity in order to move forward as a team. But of course we mixed some OTR moments into our business convos!! We FaceTimed our stripper (and his mom), called Cat's husband to explain our new/genius idea that has already been stolen and shared our childhood fears about doing the dirty and how we escaped it all. Plus, we leave you with the 7-minute challenge. We're never scripted and always uncensored, and we just hope you enjoy the real, raw and crazy that comes at ya each week.



  • The lesson we continually learn over and over again is that no one is going to do your business for you and no one can run it like you can. The universe always tells us that if we want to take this business to where we want it to go, we can't step back yet (even if we want to). We're always reminded that we have to constantly get our hands dirty, because the minute we step back, we have a feeling of being out of control and we hate that feeling. We want to know what's going on.

  • As entrepreneurs, you never feel like you've made it because there is always more to do. Your life shifts as you acclimatize to the money you're slowly bringing in, and the expectation to continuously earn more money becomes a standard. Providing for your family and making sure everyone has everything they need and all the bills are paid is a scary thing. We feel for all those moms who experience this pressure, especially those who are solely responsible and don't have another source of income coming in.

  • From a business perspective, we aren't growing fast enough. This is not about numbers or likes or anything to do with our community. Yes, we're bringing in money but that money is not growing at a rate that justifies having such a huge team. If you are a company with a product, you would look at the projections of where you should be and how you should be growing, otherwise you're status quo. So we came to the conclusion that we need to take away all of the money made through partnerships and tour because those revenue streams are exclusive to our brand as social influencers. If we want to be a real company, how are we making money internally as business women rather than influencers who have turned our name into influencer marketing? We've dabbled in different areas, but we've never had a strategic plan around what the hell we're doing to turn our ideas into tangible items and create these amazing products.

  • We've been running around with our heads cut off trying to make everything work but it's not working because we're not doing the right things. We've finally realized some hard facts and gained clarity, so we rejigged positions and strategies and flows in order to make everything more efficient. As humans, we often want to close our eyes and pretend we don't see the things that make us uncomfortable, but it's so important to open our eyes and face reality.

  • We had a company crisis, and if you've been listening to our podcast for a while you have heard it in our voices that there is something not working for us and we aren't happy. It has come out of boredom, uncertainties, lack of direction, and the feeling of the unknown. We weren't able to articulate what that feeling was...but we've figured it out! By no means are we in a perfect spot now and there are still many things we need to solidify, but we've switched things up in order to change and grow.


  • Part of growing up is wanting to become independent and do things on your own. But falling down and failing is inevitable, and it's necessary for kids to experience. It's no one's job to pick you back up again. If you can't get through that, and you constantly need someone to do things for you, then you're not really living your own life. It's important to be your own person and it’s important we teach our kids the same.


  • Since the very beginning, our brand has been about inclusivity. If you're not representing all types of people and including all types of people in what you do, your business is going to fail because people no longer want to be a part of something that is one-dimensional. This isn't just a trend - it's a way of life and a way of thinking. It's more than just a moment, it's here to stay.

  • We haven't come to a conclusion for how we're going to handle everything long-term, but feeling out of control and experiencing conflict was the best thing that could have happened to our entire team because it pushed us forward. Good things come out of conflict, hurt feelings, questioning the process and influx. A different vision and goal has come to fruition. We realize what it is we want and what we need to make it happen. The same situations arise within relationships and families - if you feel like things are off, question it and then work it out and you'll come out feeling stronger and better than before.


If you have tweens/teens (or you want to prepare yourself for what's to come), sign up for our support group: bit.ly/tweensandteens.

And if you live across the pond, join us for our shows in the UK!! Tickets are available at catandnat.ca/tour.


#MOMTRUTHS: Why Moms Are Tired


RECIPE: Chicken & Steak Fajitas