PODCAST: This Is the Kind of Podcast I Want to Listen To

You're going to need headphones for this one!! Things start off hot and heavy and then we get into a conversation about all. the. things. including our journey to a healthier lifestyle, the struggle with virtual schooling, the effects that covid has had on us (and literally everyone in the world) and parenting mosquito children... We go off the rails in the end and talk about sugar babies and Nat shares more juicy stories about weird past "experiences". Listen in, enjoy the entertainment and don't tell anyone our secrets!!

You're going to need headphones for this one!! Things start off hot and heavy and then we get into a conversation about all. the. things. including our journey to a healthier lifestyle, the struggle with virtual schooling, the effects that covid has had on us (and literally everyone in the world) and parenting mosquito children...

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PODCAST: One Thing Lead to Another...


RECIPE: SPICY Chicken Soft Tacos with Goat Cheese 🌮