PODCAST: Would You Rather Have Fame or Fortune?

We currently have no life outside of our house, yet we have so much to talk about. Tune in to hear about what we'd be doing right now if 2020 had gone as planned and find out if we'd rather be really famous or super rich if we had to choose just one. We also get into a discussion about marriage and offer some serious relationship advice... There are a lot of exciting things happening - we're on a rollercoaster of opportunities, emotions - so keep tuning in for more updates!! We love coming at you three days a week to share the diary of our lives.

Want to submit a story about a woman making history for a chance to be featured on our podcast this month?Email your story (written or audio) to lindsay@catandnat.ca.

Listen to this episode from #MOMTRUTHS with Cat & Nat on Spotify. We currently have no life outside of our house, yet we have so much to talk about. Tune in to hear about what we'd be doing right now if 2020 had gone as planned and find out if we'd rather be really famous or super rich if we had to choose just one.

Tune in for new #MOMTRUTHS episodes every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!

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RECIPE: Creamy & Low-Calorie White Bean Tuscan Soup


PODCAST: Pound Town, Parenting & Positivity