PODCAST: Can We Do This?!

It took a pandemic to make us stop, open our eyes and re-evaluate what we're doing, and we're excited to share with you that there has been a shift. Clarity, opportunity, optimism and excitement have all come at once. The world is working with us right now and we have been presented with an opportunity that is beyond the scope of what we could achieve ourselves. Listen in to hear all about it (without us saying too much 🤪)... This is just the beginning and we're going to take you on the journey!

Make sure you tune in to Thursday's episode to hear our reading with a psychic. And check out our psychic reading from yeaaaars ago on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bew15te6Yuc

Want to submit a story about a woman making history for a chance to be featured on our podcast this month?Email your story (written or audio) to lindsay@catandnat.ca.

Listen to this episode from #MOMTRUTHS with Cat & Nat on Spotify. It took a pandemic to make us stop, open our eyes and re-evaluate what we're doing, and we're excited to share with you that there has been a shift. Clarity, opportunity, optimism and excitement have all come at once.

Tune in for new #MOMTRUTHS episodes every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!

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Check out our #MOMTRUTH videos on YouTube: https://bitly.com/catnatyoutube

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RECIPE: Delicious & Healthy Rainbow Bowl 🌈


PODCAST: Women Are So Strong...