PODCAST: Secrets, Sensitive Topics & Grey Sweatpants

We're coming at you from Toronto, Ontario... it's sometime in April... and we're in the Dark Ages, but we're trying to find the light in this and we feel the end coming. We actually have so much going on right now and we're planning for the future, and let us tell you - it's going to be bright. Tune in for some chit chat, lots of laughs and a secret, and make sure you listen to the end for a mind-blowing discussion about dating and sex... This episode is not safe for children (but honestly, when are they ever?).

Listen to this episode from #MOMTRUTHS with Cat & Nat on Spotify. We're coming at you from Toronto, Ontario... it's sometime in April... and we're in the Dark Ages, but we're trying to find the light in this and we feel the end coming.

Tune in for new #MOMTRUTHS episodes every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!

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PODCAST: Where We're At In Life...


#MOMTRUTHS: Libido Lies