PODCAST: Women Are Being Ignored

Our podcasts are like therapy for us, so thanks for giving us the opportunity to just let it all out... In today's session, we talk about mom fatigue and how we're really feeling it right now. We also chit chat about the never-ending covid pandemic and how absolutely confused we are that the whole world is open except for our province. None of it makes sense, we need some clarity, and honestly...it's time for us to run for government 😜 And since we miss our old, naughty little life so much, we spend the rest of the time talking about tour and one specific night out with our crew and dancers!

Tune in for new #MOMTRUTHS episodes every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!

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Find out how you can help bring joy to moms and kids this summer: https://give.unityvalues.com/41oVl1?ref=ab_09MQM8_ab_7AFrGb

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Come see us LIVE on tour!! To see a full list of cities and dates, go to https://catandnattour.com.

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PODCAST: Let's Make Some Changes...


PODCAST: You've Got to Have the Audacity to Try with Vivian Kaye