PODCAST: NEVER Ask This Question...

We're back with another Q&A episode! You guys sent in some really fun questions this week. Tune in to find out how we'd deal with people who ask if we're pregnant when we're not, who we'd invite toa cocktail party if we could choose anyone (dead or alive), what our favourite part of our live shows is and if there has ever been a time when either of our husbands have been annoyed with what we've shared online... We also offer up some advice for finding purpose and passion outside of raising kids and we give our opinion on wedding rings and whether or not you should splurge!

Tune in for new #MOMTRUTHS episodes every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!

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PODCAST: Overparenting & How to Raise an Adult with Julie Lythcott-Haims


PODCAST: Life Lessons with Jamie Otis