PODCAST: We Need to Normalize This Conversation

We kicked off this episode chatting about the ultimate topic that gets Nat's mind off of her IBS (can anyone guess??) and then she answered the burning question that everyone wants to know - why does she want veneers so badly?! We also talked all about our upcoming tour and answered some of the questions about our live show that y'all sent in via Instagram. And then we got into the REAL Q&A session where we covered business, parenting struggles, toxic friendships and postpartum depression/anxiety. Talk about a loaded podcast! We love your questions because they inspire us and make us think about things in different ways, so thank you and enjoy!! And don't forget to share this podcast with someone who needs to hear it.

Go to catandnattour.com for tickets to the Reunion Tour. Honestly, our live show is therapy in itself.

And if you're struggling in parenthood and need some support, become a member of The Common Parent at thecommonparent.com.

We're just trying to make life a little easier and a little more fun!

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Come see us LIVE on tour!! To see a full list of cities and dates, go to https://catandnattour.com.

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#MOMTRUTHS: Moms Are The Real MVP


PODCAST: Now I Know What We Are...