PODCAST: The Wildest Night I Ever Had...

We kicked things off recapping the back-to-school shenanigans and struggles that Nat faced yesterday, which is actually such a funny story when you're not living it 🤪 Then we got into this week's Q&A session and it was a JUICY ONE. Would we be willing to let our kids sit through one of our shows? Do we typically orgasm during sex? What is our ideal amount of sex? Do we ever get tired of being on camera and want to take a day or week off? What's the wildest night we ever had before having children? Tune in for our answers! We have so many stories to tell you and so many more to make.

FYI - we had hoped to share some exciting news with you in this episode (about a certain special guest coming on tour with us), but we're still waiting for the answer. So stay tuned for an update in our next episode, as well as a round-up of all crazy shit going on in our world right now.

For more private stories, grab a ticket to our VIP session at our live show: catandnattour.com

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PODCAST: Managing Moods & The Emotional Load


PODCAST: Pay It Forward