PODCAST: Hey Fckers! with Ashely Nok

Meet the amazingly relatable and colourful Ashley Nok! Known for her hilarious try on haul videos and reading inappropriate children's books, we fell in love with her for how freaking down to earth she is, not to mention her "F@ck it" attitude which resonates so loudly with us. Ashley is the first to remind her followers that they are worthy but make no mistake, there is a reason she doesn't have that little blue check mark and that's because she doesn't take sh*t from anyone, (nor does she want you to!) which means she hasn't quite met the community guidelines, lol! If you want to be entertained all day, everyday follow Ashley @ashlelnok on Insta and Tiktok! You will thank us!

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PODCAST: Queefs & Farts Are The Only Accident in Sex


PODCAST: Relationships Are Complicated