PODCAST: Anyone Can Get Laid

Happy Sex Friday!! In a few weeks we will be coming at you with a special sex series because we are loving our sex podcasts so much and want to hear some different perspectives. This episode started with sex and then we got deep into relationships and some deal breakers in a partnership. Is it sex with someone else? It might not be? Everyone gets caught up in all the sex. The standard is so much higher than sex. Sex does not always fuel us or give us validation. We got into a whole other conversation about our husbands NOT being our best friends. The reason we are better wives is because we have a BFF that's not our husband. Financial advisors will tell you this, diversify your portfolio. That is how you stay safe and comfortable and don't crash and burn. So why wouldn't you do the same with your friends. Diversify your friend group!

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PODCAST: Living The Confidence Code with Claire Shipman and JillEllyn Riley


PODCAST: Skip Meditation & Start Masturbation with Caroline D'Arcy