PODCAST: Nat Recaps Her WeightWatchers Journey

This is a special WeightWatchers episode, recapping Nat's weight loss over the last 10 weeks of the WeightWatchers challenge. The freedom of saying that Nat wanted to lose weight and that she has lost weight is so liberating. For so long it felt like such a taboo thing to say. It can ignite a major conversation on social media and can be a trigger for people. At the end of the day it is Nat's journey, Nat's story. It makes her feel good and that's just the honest truth. Losing weight is not going to make you happy if you aren't already a happy person. It's not going to solve any problems. If you get angry about other people's weight loss, check in with yourself. We should be at a place where we can celebrate, especially with other women. If you don't have a Cat to your Nat to help support you on your weight loss journey check out our WeightWatchers community at www.facebook.com/groups/catnatww for recipes, support, inspiration and more and for info on WeightWatchers go to www.tinyurl.com/WWCATANDNAT and use code CATANDNAT10 for $10 off the first month's national pricing for any plan (except the 1 month membership).

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