PODCAST: These Conversations Need to Happen

We've moved in together! We're up north in the middle of nowhere and we're recording this podcast while sipping champagne from Nitty's bed (and hoping for a day off)... Listen in for a serious discussion about the Black Lives Matter movement and COVID and then some off the rails convos about a pound town party, Tinder and what Nat's polyamorous relationship (aka naked business collab) would look like 🤪


  • You've got to let your children be themselves and make their own decisions.

  • Stepping away from your everyday (of months and months on end in lockdown) is like a mental break.

  • If you're a brand or a company right now and you're trying to navigate the balance between your voice and the current climate, it's something you can embrace and work with rather than just posting once or twice. Keep the conversation educational to help your audience and incorporate it as part of your brand from now until forever. There is so much to learn and it can always be intertwined in your story, your life and your actions.

  • There is opportunity for people to change if they choose to.

Tune in Tuesdays & Fridays for a new #MOMTRUTHS podcast and every Thursday for a new Cocktails & Convos interview!

Grab a copy of our Mom Truths book: https://bitly.com/momtruthsbook

Check out our business webinars & mastermind program here: https://catandnat.ca/business

Join us for our JUNE Late Night Lives! Our exclusive swag item is our fave earrings and we'll be donating a portion of the proceeds back to buying computers for households who need them right now: https://bitly.com/junelatenightlive

And if you want to join our 6-to-TEEN parenting community, go to https://bitly.com/6-to-teen-parenting-group.


Being Honest with Kaitlyn Bristowe


RECIPE: Coco's Cupcakes