PODCAST: This Is Just Getting Worse By The Second...

We need to catch you up on everything that's going on in our lives right now, so here we go! Nat shares stories about her extravaganza (aka her night out drinking and dancing), which got us thinking about how we're not fun anymore. We don't fly, we don't pop champagne, we don't laugh so hard we can't breathe. Is it gone forever? Have we matured? Are we not relevant anymore? Tune in to find out what the big test will be in order for us to figure this out... We also chit chat about Nat's TikTok crush (who was being served to every mother in the world), talk about the difference between influencers and content creators and discuss our business and the growing pain year we've had. Make sure you listen to the end - we've got a unique job for someone and it could be you

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PODCAST: The Parenting Advice & Support You NEED Right Now...